Dollar General Employee Shares TikTok Video

How a Dollar General Employee Went Viral on TikTok

Dollar General worker and actor Chris Hardwick recently shared some of his favorite food finds on his Instagram, including a delicious jar of pickles that one of his coworkers shared on a TikTok video. In the video, she showed her coworkers the jar and one of them said something like “What’s in this?” She explained that they were pickled celery. She says she posted it on TikTok to try to get her coworkers interested in finding out more about the product and they were.

Hardwick also posted a photo of his own pickles on Instagram, including the one in the jar shared by her coworker. Hardwick says he has always loved pickles and uses them as a sort of snack for himself, but he is a little late to the party of picking up pickles from the dollar store. “I just love to get my hands on them,” he said.

The video of the jar shared by her coworker went viral after the TikTok video was shared by another employee. It has garnered more than 200,000 views since its first post. Hardwick says it made him happy to see TikTok users get to check out his pickles. “I like it when people can come in and watch my work in progress,” he said. He says when TikTok was new, he was happy when people posted their favorite videos on there and his was one of them.

As a former employer, you would expect Dollar General to have plenty of employees sharing TikTok content, but what makes the viral video a bit surprising is that it was not actually done on their time.

Hardwick explained that he shared the video on one of his days off and he shared it at a time when the employee was on her lunch break. She did not even have a camera that day and he says she did not film the video herself (it appears she may have used his phone or her own).

Hardwick says he only found out about the clip when he was called by a media outlet and asked for comment. He said he was concerned about the negative reaction he could receive from his employees but he was happy to see the clip doing well in TikTok. He says that most people tend to be skeptical when it comes to sharing photos on TikTok or any social media platform.

“They aren’t used to this kind

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