The government has never been better

Liz Truss, Jeered in UK Parliament, Insists She Can Govern

“The government has never been better. In fact, in the 21st century the government must be better than it is right now.”

Liz Truss, the Business Secretary, was the first person to open her debate on the Queen’s Speech yesterday, when she spoke in favour of a much-reduced government. The speech was followed by a debate where a majority of MPs seemed to think she would have been wrong about this.

But the Labour Party, which is in power in the UK, has a history of changing its mind on big issues and in fact has often been wrong in the past. In the debate on the Queen’s Speech, the most notable change by Truss was to give a major role to businesses as opposed to government bodies such as the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.

“The government has never been better. In fact, in the 21st century the government must be better than it is right now,” Truss said in response to a question by Labour MP Richard Burgon.

I want to explain why. The government has never been able to take the big decisions required for economic progress: it hasn’t made trade deals with emerging countries that are a key to growth. It hasn’t tackled big problems such as climate change, or tackled structural inequality. That is why in the past the government has been worse than it is right now.

The government has never been able to take the big decisions required for economic progress. It hasn’t made trade deals with emerging countries that are a key to growth. It hasn’t tackled big problems such as climate change, or tackled structural inequality

However, the government now has the opportunity to take on these issues, which are a top priority for business in the UK and many other countries.

With the government taking the responsibility for the future of the economy, the country has the chance to take on the big challenges facing the global economy. This means that the government can do the right thing if it wants.

The government has changed its mind about many decisions in recent years


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