Mercedes-Benz E-Class Electric will be the first car to use biofuel and electricity to help reduce CO2 emissions

Mercedes CEO says Europe’s gas crisis will accelerate its shift to renewables

Mercedes has made a commitment that it will help drive the shift to cleaner energy and help protect the environment.

The German luxury carmaker will launch a new car using alternative fuels in Europe. It marks the first time a major car maker has committed to such a step.

The new Mercedes-Benz E-Class Electric will use a mixture of biofuel and electricity to keep emissions down.

The car’s key features will be electric drive, with a range of about 40 miles and the ability to travel a further 120 miles with a battery charge.

The Mercedes E-Class is the most efficient premium sedan in Europe. It will be the first electric, bio- and electrically-powered car to be produced in the UK.

The car will be made from a special ‘biodiesel’ blend of biofuel made from plant fats in the first country in the world to have a dedicated biofuel factory.

It will be the first in the car industry to use this new, renewable, biofuel.

The Mercedes E-Class Electric will be at the forefront of the global shift to a more sustainable society.

Mercedes has committed to developing a new fuel standard by 2050, with the world’s biggest automaker to aim for 100 per cent biofuel.

The company says its commitment to clean energy will save consumers money and help reduce CO2 emissions.

But the company will also help protect the environment by ensuring it does not import petrol at great expense.

Brigadier Richard Williams, Managing Director, Mercedes-Benz UK, said: “The world is moving to clean forms of energy to help us reduce our contribution to climate change and save money. The Mercedes-Benz E-Class Electric will be the beginning of that movement in the UK.

“We want to play our part in ensuring that is a movement across Europe, and the UK will be the first place to take the lead on this. Our commitment to the environment is something we take very seriously at Mercedes, and is a key part of our long-term strategy.”

The car will be sold through Mercedes-Benz as well as dealerships and at customer showrooms in other markets. The car will be available in the UK from the start of next year.

The Mercedes-Benz E-Class

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